Thursday, March 26, 2015

Homemade Coffee Scrub for Face, Body and Hair

We all love coffee for some of us it’s a favorite past time with friends and for some it’s a great stress buster drink. But do you know coffee is not only a great beverage and good for health but it’s also good for beauty. It’s a wonderful kitchen ingredient for healthy skin and hair. Coffee has anti-oxidant, anti-Inflammatory properties also acts as an anti-cellulite agent which makes it perfect for skincare. Here we are with some Homemade Coffee Scrub recipes goof for your Face, Body and Hair.

How to make Coffee Face Mask for instant glow

To get instantly glowing and fresh looking face you can use a homemade face mask made from coffee and egg yolk. Mix one tablespoon of coffee powder with an egg yolk. Add one teaspoon lemon juice to get the right consistency. Apply the facemask on your face for around 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. This mask is good for those who want noticeable instant slimming effect for face.

How to make homemade Body Polishing Scrub recipe

Being rich in antioxidant properties coffee gives a nice lifting effect to skin like it gives to your mood when you feel stress or need some relaxation. You can use coffee polishing scrub to get rid of tan, pigmentation and for instant shiny skin. Mix one teaspoon of coffee powder, half teaspoon of powdered sugar and 2 teaspoon of lemon juice to get smooth paste, you can add rose water into it to get semi thick paste so that you can apply it easily. Scrub your whole body with this Body Polishing Scrub once a week to get noticeable polished skin. It is an excellent scrub for would be brides to shine on their wedding day.

How to make coffee lip balm at home

No matter what the season was your lips need some extra care in very season. Here we are with homemade lip balm recipe made from coffee to get smooth, soft and flake free lips. Mix one teaspoon of coffee powder with 4-5 drops of olive oil and few drops of honey to make smooth paste. Scrub your lips with this coffee balm for 5-8 minutes, clean with wet cotton. Repeat the process once in a week to get noticeable smooth lips.

Hair Masks for healthy and shiny hair

Healthy hair begins within the healthy scalp here we are with homemade coffee hair mask recipe for scalp exfoliation for to reduce hair fall and to stimulate hair growth. Mix coffee powder with your favorite deep condition mask or conditioner gently massage your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes with this coffee scrub. Rinse it off using your regular shampoo. Repeat it once a week to get healthy hair.

Want to get healthy shiny hair then this hair mask is perfect for you. Mix 2 teaspoon of coffee powder, honey and olive oil to make smooth paste. Apply this mask on scalp and strands, leave it for 25 to 30 minutes then rinse it off using your regular shampoo. There is no need to apply conditioner after using this mask. Repeat the process 3 to 4 times a month to get silky smooth and shiny hair.

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