Saturday, August 17, 2013

Live in relationship: Living Together before Marriage is good or bad

Live in relationship is an arrangement where two people who are not married live together in an intimate relationship, on a long-term or permanent basis. Today young generation cohabit or prefer live in relationship over marriage for a variety of reasons. Live in relationship is a common legal practice in western countries but now it’s also getting popular in India and legalize too. But do our society really need this kind of relationship, are we open enough to accept these kinds of relations and to face the consequences.

Difference between Marriage and Live in relationship

First of all we need to understand the difference between Marriage and Live in Relationship. Marriage is a social union of two spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws in which spouses share their social and financial status with each other whereas Live in relationship is a commitment between two partners frees from any kind of obligation and enjoy financial freedom which help them to understand their partner well before falling into any type of commitment.

Every relationship has its advantages and disadvantages so that with Live in relationship. Here we are with live in relationship advantages and disadvantages which help you to decide whether you want to opt for live in or not.

Live in relationship advantages

  • Marriages are made in heaven and performed on earth, 80% of the marriages are fixed by the elders of the family and usually two people who got married do not understand their partners well which leads to many problems in future life like difference of opinions and interests but in live in relationship we choose our partners ourselves and live together without falling into any sort of commitment which let them to understand their partners well and see their future together.
  • Live in relationship can be taken as the practice session before getting married. While living in live in relationship, you get a chance to discover good and bad sides of your partner which made the decision easy to live together or move on. You can also get chance to sculpt your partner in the way you want if or she really want to live you for long they will never regret to change themselves only for their partners.
  • Live in partners can enjoy all the benefits of marriage without falling in sort of commitment like in marriage. They neither have to take responsibilities of kids and family members of their partners. Marriage means commitment, which means you have to take responsibilities of your partners and their dependents whether you like it or not but live in relationship offers personal and financial freedom to the partners.
  • In marriage you are under extreme social pressure to live together whether you want or not but in live in relationship there is no commitment like marriage. You can stay together till you are happy with each other and only get married once you feel that you are ready for taking all liabilities and responsibilities like a married couple do.
  • In marriage you are socially as well as legally commit to stay together but in live in relationship there is no such boundation, you can change your live in partner if you are not satisfy or get bored with each other. It’s like a dream come true where you live together, have physical relations and move out when getting bored.

Live in relationship disadvantages

  • There is no specific law to deal with Live in relationship and our society also do not accept these kind of relations so you have to bear its consequences like physical abuse, adultery, financial problems and lots more alone.
  • Live in relationship does not get the stamp of social acceptance. Sometimes live-in couples prefer to call themselves married because of fearing social rejection which can make you feel guilty.
  • Live in relationship is not a permanent relationship. Any of the partners can easily move on if getting bored or do not interested to live together anymore.  Physical intimacy before marriage can be enjoyable but for few months or years at one stage you get bored and want to move on which can be depressing especially for a woman.
  • Live in relationship is free from any type of commitment which can lead to may social problems also. Couples who lived in a Live in relationship do not share any responsibilities to take care of each other parents which can leave their parents in miserable conditions.
  • Rights of a child born out of a live-in-relationship are not cleared yet. Though The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 gives the status of a legitimate child to every child whether result of void, voidable or valid marriage but there should be some strong law to protect the rights of these kids.
  • Live in relationships can be break easily as there is no legal or social pressure on these kind of relationships. So there is no stability in live in relationship as compared to marriage.

According to my point of view I do not support live in relationship over marriage because of many reasons though it gives you a freedom but freedom without any responsibilities and obligations has no mean or use. Live in relationship can give you pleasure but there is a stage in everyone’s life when we need someone to share our feelings emotionally without being concern about physical intimacy and only a marriage can give you that partner.

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