Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tips to get flat belly

Flat belly is the dream of many of us and to get this we workout lot to burn extra fat deposits from the body and lose weight. But along with workout and exercise one should need to follow a strict diet especially balanced diet which has healthy and nutritious foods. In your daily diet you can add many fat burning foods that can help you lose weight and get back to shape. Here we are with some tips and tricks which you can follow to get flat belly easily.

  • Hot Water with Lemon is very well known remedy to lose weight or to get rid of unwanted belly fat. Lemony hot water is a detox drink which removes all toxins from the body and makes it light and healthy. Drink Hot Water with lemon empty stomach in the morning to get rid of unwanted belly fat.
  • It is good to eat in small portions, do not overeat or eat in large amounts in a single serving.  Eating small portions of food is the best trick to get in shape by shedding unwanted belly fat.
  • To get flat belly, go sugar free. Consume less sugar and get in shape as consuming less sugar will increase glucagon which converts fat into energy. It is the best way to get rid of excess belly fat but follow this trick for long time to get desired result.
  • 3pm snack, yes it is one of the most important tricks which help you to get a flat belly easily. Eat a protein rich snack like soya chunks, low fat cheese or protein bar around 3pm which prevent the sugar levels from lowering down as low Insulin turn into storing fat deposits and to avoid that 3pm is very important.
  • Look out what you eat. Avoid fried and oily food if you want a flat belly quickly. Junk food is a big no for those who want flat belly. Eat healthy and nutritious foods like boiled vegetables, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Do not gulp your food quickly. To burn fat deposits from the belly chew the food particles till It Softens which prevents bloating and also makes you feel fuller easily. It controls your hunger and keeps you full for long time and you eat less.
  • Add fruits and vegetables in your daily diet instead of chips and junk food. Berries, Apples, Onions, Cabbage, and Carrots are some of the fruits and vegetables that you must have in your diet like to get a flat belly naturally.
  • Cut the salt intake in your diet as sodium causes your body to retain water, which causes you to look bloated—especially around your abdominal region so whenever possible, try replacing high-sodium foods with healthier options.
  • Avoid eating anything about two hours before you sleep as digestion process slow down when you sleep which tend to deposit unwanted fat around your belly.   
  • Avoid beer as it is one of the most fattening drinks which is a major cause for belly fat. So if you want to have flat belly say big NO to beer.

Though the diet plays a very important role in getting flat belly but you need to do some workout also. If you've a layer of belly fat covering up your ab work then first you need to burn the top layer of stomach fat to see the changes. Here we are with some workout tricks which help you to get flat belly.

  • Aerobics is the best way to burn fat which heat up your body temperature and improve circulation to burn fat and you will get flat stomach. Do aerobics for at least 30 minutes a day minimum.
  • Indulge yourself in some physical activities like dancing, running, swimming, cycling or walking that brings your heart rate up and burn the layer of fat quickly.
  • Ab crunches help you to burn fat deposits from the belly. You can also use an exercise ball to get rid of extra weight and get a flat stomach.
Keep yourself happy and laugh heartily as it burn fat and keep you fit.  Avoid crash diets and exercise courses, be patient as losing belly fat is not a magic it take some time so follow the routine and be ready to get compliments.

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